About Us

About Us

Welcome to Bandhanam Karoti, your number one source for all Packaging Solutions. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best of solutions, with a focus on three characteristics, ie: dependability, customer service and uniqueness. We provide all types of packaging solutions required by the user, which were equally competitive with others but has an upper hand at the costing/budgeting.

Founded by Mr. Hanumat, it has come a long way from its beginning. When Mr. Hanumat first started out, his passion for Trading which drove him to work with excellence, and gave him the impetus to turn hard work and inspiration into to a booming business. We now serve customers all over Nation, and are thrilled to be a part of the quirky, eco-friendly, fair trade wing of the trade industry.

We hope you enjoy our servics as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Mr. Hanumat [CEO & Founder]